Meet our volunteers!

Meet Megg – Active In-Betweens Program Volunteer

Megg – Active In-Betweens Program Volunteer

Why did you become a Healthy Cities Illawarra (HCI) volunteer?

I wanted to get experience with community programs. I also felt that it would be a good opportunity to build my confidence and put my skills and education to use. I also loved the idea of giving back to the community.

How did you first get involved with Healthy Cities Illawarra?

I first heard about HCI during my university studies. I found that HCI’s values as an organisation were very similar to mine, and I wanted to lend a hand to the cause.

What has your experience as a volunteer been like?

I have been having such a great time with HCI. It has been so rewarding for me not only being able to help within my community but also being able to realise the abilities within myself and how I, as an individual, can have a direct positive impact on the wider community. A lot of the time the world seems so big, and it may feel like an individual person can’t make an impact. But focusing smaller within the community you absolutely can lend a hand and make a difference.

What is the best thing about being a HCI volunteer in your perspective?

While volunteering with the Active In-Betweens program I have loved watching the children learn so much while having a great time. I’m happy that I get to be just a small part of their learning and fun. I especially enjoy simply setting out craft supplies and watching the kids brilliant and creative ideas that I would never have thought of.

What would you say to anyone outside considering volunteering?

Go for it! You will gain so much from volunteering with HCI. You will be able to experience so much while feeling connected to community in such a unique way. Also, it’s fun!

If you’d like to volunteer with an organisation that has real impact in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven, register your interest now!