The Illawarra Shoalhaven Active Transport Taskforce (ISATT) aims to provide the region with improved health and transportation, as well as to protect the physical environment.

Formed by Healthy Cities Illawarra, ISATT works with government, non-government, businesses, and community groups to identify ways in which we can reduce our reliance on motor vehicle use and improve the urban environment so that more people are able to make use of active transport.
Active transport is about creating cities and towns which encourage and support people travelling by active means. This could be walking, cycling, rollerblading, etc. Active transport is a vital ingredient in creating healthy, sustainable and equitable cities.
Active transport has a key role to play in:
- Reducing the contribution of lifestyle induced disease to the overall disease burden
- Reducing traffic congestion and improving the efficiency of transport systems
- Reducing air and noise pollution as well as reducing greenhouse emissions
- Improving productivity
- Increasing and strengthening social connections
- Reducing road trauma
- Creating a more equitable and inclusive transport system.
ISATT currently has working groups looking a variety of issues, including:
- Auditing the NSW Coastline Cycleway
- General infrastructure audits
- Better integration of public and active transport
- Workplace active travel programs
- Making it safer for children to walk and ride to school
- Providing active transport connections in areas where they are non-existent (e.g., Warrawong)
- Building community support for low-cost solutions to improve cycling and walking
- Conducting visioning exercises for what good active transport amenity could look like in the four local government areas of the Illawarra-Shoalhaven.
How to get involved
Email George Takacs t. 0419 819 337
“Active transport is a vital ingredient in creating healthy, sustainable and equitable cities”
George Takacs

Partner with us
Healthy Cities Illawarra works in partnership with local government, health care providers and other community organisations to deliver meaningful health and wellbeing outcomes for our community. We welcome partners who share our vision and values.